Arizona Sky Village


Portal - one of North America's premiere birding destinations

Portal, as the name suggests, is at the entrance to Cave Creek Canyon which is world-renowned for its spectacular scenery and excellent birding.  It is home to the famous South Fork Zoological and Botanical Area.  A trip into the canyon will often yield sightings of Elegant Trogons, Mexican Chickadees, Red-faced Warblers, Olive Warblers and Red Crossbills.

A short journey over the mountain to the Chiricahua National Monument will reward birders with glimpses of Golden Eagles and Zone-tailed Hawks soaring high above the rocky spires.  Perched throughout the lush forest of the canyon bottom are Hepatic Tanagers, Juniper and Bridled Titmice, Grace's Warblers and Strickland's Woodpeckers.

Close to the Sky Village is a bird-feeding station run by David Jasper. We usually pay several visits to it at different times of day to see what's about. During one visit another couple asked us if there was anything new. We had to admit that it was all new to us and that we were fascinated even by the common varieties. I particularly like the Gambols Quails which toddle out of the scrub in ther impressive plumage. After pecking about for a few minutes they all tend to toddle off together, reminding me of a chorus line from Gilbert and Sullivan.

I've started adding some of my own photos to the birding gallery. This will give you an idea of some of the species that it's easy to get close to. See the birding gallery. for information on Elegant Trogons

Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory has lots of usual advice